Friday, September 23, 2016

Here I Go . . .

A couple of weeks ago, in a continuing attempt to improve my overall health, I purchased a new-to-me fitness tracker.  I.Do.Not. Like.Exercise.  Walking and swimming are about the only forms of movement involving sweat you will ever get out me. However, there's not much sense in me making strides in what I put into my body without also building strength & stamina. So, the fitness tracker entered my life. Problem of it is, I don't wear bracelets except on special occasions and exercising is NOT a special occasion.  How was I going to keep track of my steps without "wearing" the tracker?

I researched options - carry it in my pocket (sometimes my outfit doesn't have a pocket), clip the carrier to my belt (I never wear a belt), or tuck it in my shoe (ouch!).  Then, one of life's AHA moments came upon me!  I sew; I can make something!  Born this day is the Bitlet.  A "bracelet" for certain Fitbits worn on the ankle.  Get it?  Bit-let.  I designed and sewed a few mock-ups and wore one for a few days.

Hmmmm - this creation has some merit.  I recruited some friends to test drive the Bitlet for me and their feedback has been constructive and helpful.  I changed the type of snap I use and designed a Bitlet for a different tracker than what I owned. The next logical step - open an Etsy store.  So, I did!  It's been live for a few days; I am still tweaking and deciding (so many decisions) and doubting - who am I to think I could actually sell something I made?  We will see; time will tell.  Till then, I am in the process of changing the name of my shop to align with my blog and fine-tuning shop details.  I am hopeful Etsy will grant me the name change.  I think I will try to sell a few antiques, maybe some other items as well. Here I go . . . off into the world entrepreneurship or . . . headaches . . . or both!

Friday, January 30, 2015

You Win Some, You Lose Some

I have been juicing lately - trying to eat healthier and support my husband in controlling his diabetes.  This is my third week juicing and every few days I add something that I have not tried before.  Things like sweet potato, fresh coconut, and acorn squash.  This week kale is on the juicing menu.  I have heard it can be pretty bitter, so the first day I only used one leaf.  I barely knew it was there.  Day 2, two leaves; I could tell a bitterness was creeping in the juice.  Today, day 3 - ewww!  It was all I could do to chug the juice down with a straw.  I offered to give my remaining kale to a friend and she suggested freezing it (she's great with ideas like that!).  Trust me, I will be going back to one leaf, maybe one and a half.  And in case you are wondering, I do put at least one fruit in my juices.  Usually strawberries, blueberries, apple, orange, or pineapple or some combination.  I know I could not have got any of it down today without the orange.  You lose some.

This "ewwwiness" makes me think of putting to death a particular sin in my life.  I do not want to make the effort; I want to be comfortable.  Just like my juice, it needs to "taste" good going down.  But, I know my juice today was healthier because of its presence.  My life is more conformed to the image of Christ when I swallow the unpleasantness of pride and walk in righteousness.  It is not easy, nor is it appetizing, but it is necessary.  After all, I want to honor this temple, my body, by taking better care of it and I want to honor God by becoming more like Jesus.  You win some.  Romans 8:28-29 and 1 Corinthians 10:31.

The "ewwwinesss" . . .

. . . headed to the freezer!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Beginnings

Today my baby girl got engaged and I am choosing to start a blog.  New beginnings!  I hope to post weekly on a new (to me) recipe I've tried out, a sewing project I am working on, or a variety of other interests in my life - hence Pots, Pins and Potpourri.  Some of those other interests will include books I am reading, health changes I am making, insights into Christian living and marriage, and life's happenings.

Like today.  I had an inkling that the engagement was to happen in the near future.  He asked her atop the Sears Tower in Chicago - how cool is that!  I am happy for her.  She has searched for a long time to find her Mr. Right (she had to muddle through a few Mr. Wrongs first).  Yet, she is my 32-year old baby girl.  It seems so final - she is almost not mine anymore.  Then I remember, she never was to begin with.  She has always belonged to God first; He lent her to me to raise her.  I am excited to plan a wedding and sad to say goodbye to that chapter of my life.

Hmmm, there might be a few posts here about wedding planning . . .

My future son-in-law is a carpenter; he made her rings!

So sweeet!